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Anne Räisänen

To the Depths and Back

In the video below, Eleanor Longden describes her experiences from a heavy journey to the depths of her mind and back to a functional individual. Now she herself supports mental health rehabilitators as a trained professional. Longden's report reinforces the view that genuine encounters and sharing of the most difficult human traumas are the key to healing, while stigmatization and medicalization just tie the rehabilitator to the role of a patient.

Medication has its place, but to heal one needs a person who hears and makes intelligible the secret language of the illness, telling about the traumas that are suppressed into the depths of the mind. This requires humanity and courage from the care professionals and, in particular, an unwavering belief in the possibilities of healing even in severe diseases. The first step is to examine oneself and make sure that one does not need those with mind problems to be "others" in whom one can mirror "us". Illness is a way to try to cope in overwhelming conditions.


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